I have, and I did not believe it at first. It happened this way, it was a regular drinking session with some highly opinionated friends who are also college professors. While enjoying the wonderful haze of a drunken' hour, we we're rudely interrupted by another drunk Korean. Naturally, my drunk professor friends reacted with a booze-enhanced courage and logic. Lucky enough, calm heads prevailed. Then one of the professors murmured something to the effect of 'don't they know that the colt .45 was invented because of the Filipinos'? So I did my research.
According to some books from the library and articles by Americans all over the Internet that I have read , the .45 pistol was developed because the .38 pistol, which was the standard sidearm for American troops, is simply not enough to stop a charging, bolo wielding Filipino.
The .38 is unable to stop any charging Filipino is just pure logic really. It is the same as how an almost bare naked Lapu-lapu was able to stop full armored Spaniards and probably one Portuguese in particular. Don't believe me? do the research, I don't want to ruin the surprise and let you miss those goosebumps. But being a nice person that I am, here's a little peek at one of my research:
according to Mr. Robert A. Fulton
"Like all good guerrilla fighters, the Filipinos were improvisers. They took advantage of the tropical topography with its exceptionally high grasses (well over six feet tall), dense jungles, and winding, constricted trails, to mount ambushes using a tactic called 'the bolo rush'. The Philippine bolo is a fearsome, short (16" to 18"), single-edged, razor-sharp cutting weapon, every farmer had one and knew how to use it, whether for harvesting crops, hacking trails through jungle, or taking off a limb in a fight. A large force, often 100-200 'bolo men' would lie hidden near a trail. When a smaller American patrol came along in a single-file, Filipino snipers would fire, forcing them to drop for cover. At a signal, the bolo men would rush the soldiers lying prone on the trail, inevitably losing many in their ranks to rifle fire but oftentimes overwhelming the Americans with their sheer numbers and the ferocity of the charge. Commissioned officers and sergeants, armed only with the Colt .38 revolver, were a primary target".